To preserve, develop, and teach systems of natural healing and energy medicine in a holistic context.
To maintain phyto-botancial gardens, emphasizing local, rare and/or endangered species and their use as green medicines.
To hold public and professional educational events with resident and visiting teachers/facilitators.
To network with like-minded groups in New England, the USA, and the world.
To continually preserve, protect, and enhance the wild, agrarian, and unique natural resources of Old King Farm and its environs.
To implement and improve organic and Pranic agriculture.
To adopt Biodynamic homesteading practices including historic preservation, renewable energy, and applications of green techniques
and technologies as possible.
To promote Ecological Stewardship, including ongoing efforts as a Certified Wildlife Habitat (National Wildlife Federation), Monarch Butterfly Waystation (Monarch Watch), Botanical Sanctuary Network (United Plant Savers), and supporting a diversified Riparian Wildlife Corridor.
To offer public seminars and trainings in such topics, with resident and visiting teachers/facilitators.
To develop an Institute of Applied Metaphysics, introducing a streamlined holistic approach in teaching integrative spirituality.
The human family has received from the Creator
a common gift: Nature
- Pope Francis, Lauduto Si
To preserve the traditional integrity of the Buddha Dharma as lines of yogic practice, particularly the Vajrayana of Tibet and in the unbiased spirit of the Rime’ (non-sectarian) movement.
To maintain a functioning shrine room and library collections, meditation programs, rituals and public discourses both with resident and visiting teachers and facilitators.
To foster the development of integrated contemplative lifestyles within a contemporary context, particularly in empowering women.
To network with like-minded groups in New England, the USA, and the world.
Odiyana Khandro Ling
Copyright 2021