Calling All Angels! Seven Line Prayer

"Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche has explained recently that to help dispel imminent global obstacles to peace and harmony, as well as environmental problems and instability, it's important for each of us to accumulate as many Seven Line Prayer recitations as possible. Rinpoche further advised us to collectively accumulate at least one billion Seven Line Prayers.

To participate in this one billion accumulation count of the Seven Line Prayer, we have set up the following survey form for your convenience. Please click here to add your accumulations once a week, preferably every Saturday.
​We suggest you bookmark this page for easy reference.

For those who are not familiar with the prayer, we have included a copy below.

Thank you in advance for joining us in fulfilling Dungse Rinpoche's request to accomplish this accumulation for the purpose of increasing peace, health and prosperity for our world."  Spread the word and invite your friends to participate!"

(courtesy of Yeshe Nyingpo and Orgyen Cho Dzong

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