Rose Buzard
Rev. Dr. Andrew Cort, DC, JD
Dr. Cort has had an eclectic career in education, religion, health and spirituality spanning the last 40 years. He has taught in Massachusetts public and private schools, practiced as a Chiropractic doctor with a focus on nutrition, kinesiology, and mind-body health, and went on to practice Law. More recently, Dr. Cort completed a seminary program and was ordained as an Interfaith Minister by All Faiths Seminary International in New York City, with ongoing studies in various spiritual traditions. He is the author of numerous articles and books, and the former TV host of Spirit of the Berkshires. Dr. Cort holds a B.S. in English (1973, Colgate University), a Masters of Arts in Teaching (1978), a Doctor of Chiropractic (New York Chiropractic College, 1981) and a Juris Doctor degree (Boston College Law School, 1981).
Joseph Falbo
With a lifelong interest in people, money and how the two fit together, and having gained extensive experience working for a number of large brokerage firms and banks, Joe has spent his entire career as a Financial Adviser. Joe always tries to take as personal an approach as possible, even when working for large institutions. He has been able to accomplish this with a lot more ease by establishing own financial advisory practice, Falbo Wealth Management. Falbo believes each client is unique -- emotionally and financially -- and deserve a personal approach to help clarify each client's future direction and how to best leverage resources, no matter the situation. Falbo holds a B.S. in Finance (1995, St. John's University) and successfully completed Merrill Lynch’s Financial Adviser training program.
Sister Elias Freeman, OSBSol
Sr. Elias is an Episcopal Benedictine solitary nun and Tibetan Buddhist Nyingmapa nun named Ani Rigdzin Chodon. Under the pen name of Eileen Elias Freeman, she has authored several best-selling books on the topics of angels, and runs the nonprofit, AngelWatch Foundation, Inc. In addition, Sr. Elias runs a separate nonprofit that saves quality-condition items from being discarded and repurposes them into goods to be used by those in need. Sr. Elias has mastered multiple Biblical languages, and has taught at the University of Notre Dame. She holds a B.A. in Comparative Religion (Barnard College) and M.A. in Theology (University of Notre Dame).
Rev. Ralph Fucetola, Esq.
Since 1971, Counsel Fucetola has been active in business and NGO communities, specializing in the Nutrient and Alternative/Advanced Health, and serving as an award-winning, leading attorney in the field. Retiring from law in 2006, Counsel Fucetola now runs a consultancy practice focused on claims, advertising and label review, asset protection, health and food Freedom issues, petitions, litigation, as well as for private and religious organizations. He has a rich and varied business background, and serves as a Counsel and Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation. He created the Vitamin Lawyer Webinar System, including their Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Certification Course. Counsel Fucetola holds a B.A. with Distinction (Rutgers University, 1967) and a Juris Doctor (Rutgers Law School, 1971). He has been a Minister since 1974, and a New Jersey Notary Public.
Judith Hancox, MSW, LCSW, BCETS
Judy specializes in Holistic Trauma Recovery and is creator of Shiome Therapy, a gentle and safe approach to helping individuals reach their highest potential of emotional recovery and strength of Spirit. She is a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress, using a unique, holistic approach that effectively accelerates one's innate ability to process and heal. Judy holds a number of certifications and affiliations in both conventional and holistic Psychology and Social Work. She facilitates national workshops, has been active in K-12 education -- including founding the Sussex County, NJ Chapter of Parents Anonymous -- and has appeared on TV to discuss mind-body health. She is the author of the book and CD, Shiome, The Way: Energy Correction Meditation. Judy holds a Masters of Social Work (Rutgers University).
Dr. Kathleen Lyon, MD
As a New York City-based psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, Dr. Lyon has been in private practice for over 20 years where she helps her clients through psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mindfulness practices, and supportive interventions. Dr. Lyon holds a number of certifications and advanced training in Psychoanalysis, and serves as a faculty member at the Institute for Psycholanalytic Education. As a student of Buddhism for over 15 years, Dr. Lyon has found enormous wisdom in her studies and meditation practice. She completed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Compassion Cultivation courses, and studies with the Advanced Buddhist Study Group of Shambhala NYC and the NYU-based Contemplative Studies Group. Dr Lyon holds a Doctor of Medicine degree (University of Maryland, 1987) and is Board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology.
Dr. Richard Menashe, DO
As a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Menashe takes a different approach to health and healing than a traditional medical doctor. As Director of the Edison Medical Nutrition Center (NJ), Dr. Menashe cares for the individual as a whole, taking an integrative approach to wellness. Dr. Menashe is a member of numerous medical societies and associations, including Board certification with the American College of General Practitioners, and has served as Treasurer of the the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine. He holds a B.S. in Biology (SUNY Binghamton, 1979), and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1984).
Reverend Robert C. Morris
Rev. Bob, an ordained Episcopal priest, meditation and contemplative prayer teacher, trained spiritual director, conference and retreat leader, founded The Interweave Center in 1980 as an offshoot of his ministry at Calvary Church in Summit, NJ. The Center explores cutting-edge ideas and practices to strengthen wellness, deepen spirituality, and promote the common good. He is interested in the practical and psychological dimensions of religion, specifically the transformative power of spiritual practice. Rev. Bob co-founded the Newark Interfaith Coalition for Hope and Peace, and has served in numerous roles as an organizational Chairperson, Board Member and Lecturer. He is the author of three books and a blog on religion and spirituality.
Dr. Richard Pokorny, DOM, LAc
With a lifelong interest in Philosophy and Metaphysics -- particularly Classical Greek Philosophy and Neoplatonism, Oriental Philosophy (Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism) and Sufi philosophy -- Dr. Pokorny has been engaged with Oscar Ichazo and the Arica Institute, where he has studied, practiced and taught meditation, Qi Gong and yoga calisthenics for more than 40 years, in addition to being an Advanced Practitioner of Qi Gong. Dr. Pokorny is a Nationally certified Acupuncturist licensed in New Jersey and New York, with extensive advanced training in various styles of Acupuncture. In addition, Dr. Pokorny has consulted on the proper use of sophisticated and advanced Nutraceuticals. He holds a B.S. in Chemistry (Manhattan College, 1967) and M.S. in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
Donna Schirripa
For over 20 years, Schiripa has run a consulting firm specializing in advising small business owners on the financial, personnel, taxation and bookkeeping aspects of their companies. Her firm assists start-ups from inception through daily operations. Schiripa has worked in Forensic Accounting and with Manhattan District Attorney's Office on embezzlement cases. Moreover, Schiripa works with United Nations international personnel, assisting them in compliance with U.S. tax issues, and provides both US and international tax preparation. As a life coach, Schiripa provides guidance on various issues that stem from financial difficulties or challenges. She is honored to serve on OKL's Advisory Board and looks forward to bringing her financial experience and life coaching skills to the organization.
Don Siclari, Jr.
While still a student at Miami University, Don founded InChek -- a payment processing company -- and has been at the company's helm ever since. One aspect of his job that he particularly enjoys is forming new relationships and alliances that allow InChek to offer more services to its clients. Born with skills as a consummate networker and a belief that work should always be fun, Don is often found socializing with his clients and speaking at shows. Don previously served as the director of a Manhattan-based charity fundraising organization, arranging events at some of NYC's most exclusive venues and continues extensive philanthropic work. He is a licensed Paramedic, Volunteer Firefighter, and trains with Cirque du Soleil acrobats!
In Memoriam, Dr. Basil Williams
Dr. Williams was an Osteopathic Physician, Board Certified in Anthroposophic and Internal Medicine with a sub-specialty in Infectious Disease. and special interests in Waldorf and Curative Education. Having grown up on a farm, Dr. Williams practiced Biodynamic gardening and farming for the past 35 years, lecturing extensively on the topic and leading practical trainings in the field. Dr. Williams believed that humanity's present needs, health and future development critically rely on the principles of Anthroposophy, including Biodynamics, Waldorf education and anthroposophic medicine. We were honored to host Dr. Williams at OKL's Annual Spring Fling, where he taught event goers in the stirring of Biodynamic preparations and subsequent asperging of the lands.
Odiyana Khandro Ling
Copyright 2021